New online presentation


JabloPCB s.r.o. has already celebrated its 10th anniversary and we have prepared a new web presentation as a gift both to ourselves and to you.

The new site has several key features, which I would like to introduce to you:

One of the most important elements is a fully responsive design, which means that the website adapts to the device on which it is displayed (e.g. tablet, cellphone). This function is convenient especially for smaller screens. Information about our company will be comfortably and easily available to you even when travelling.

We have prepared for you 2 new video presentations of our company. The first one is available immediately on the home page by clicking on the icon PLAY, with the length of 1 min and it is a dynamic reflection of our growth and development, together with the  modern conception of the company and its excellent equipment. The second video is accessible from the tab ABOUT US (or TECHNOLOGY),with the length of 3 min, where and with description, we will disclose important information about JabloPCB. We recommend that you watch with sound enabled. 

The most important part of the new website is the online enquiry form, which will guide you step by step through entering of all relevant data, so that nothing is forgotten. The whole process will not take more than 5 minutes of your time, and so I would like to ask you to submit all your requests only using this system.

I am sure that you will like the website and that you will find there all you are looking for. We will be grateful for any comments and feedback. .

On behalf of JabloPCB s.r.o., 08. 02. 2016

Evžen Englberth
Sales Director



Write to us

phone: +420 608 800 385