
Dispatch around the world

JabloPCB company's products are shipped not only to the Czech Republic and Europe, but also to countries outside the EU. The bulk of production is exported to foreign markets overseas.

Package to ESD

Just a mere human touch and everything is irretrievably lost. Electronic products are therefore protected from damage by simply touching an object with a different electrical potential. ESD protection is provided by antistatic packaging. Products are delivered in the antistatic packaging materials which protect them from the potential threat of static electricity. Your goods are so well protected from environmental adverse effects.

Partners in logistics

JabloPCB has a long-term cooperation with major international companies that provide individual services in the field of logistics and transportation to the whole world. These companies offer partner benefits, thanks to which the end customer makes significant savings on the transportation of their products. JabloPCB individually selects companies for logistics solutions that correspond to the contract according to the place of shipment or the contract volume.



Write to us

phone: +420 608 800 385
email: jpcba.obchod@jablotron.cz